Goal | Eye
Tracking | Gaze
Tracking | Face
Tracking |Facial
Feature Tracking |Facial
Motion Recovery | Facial
Expression Recogntion
Real-Time Facial Feature Tracking Under Significant Facial
Expressions and Various Face Orientations
features, such as eyes, eyebrows, nose and mouth, and their spatial arrangement,
are important for the facial interpretation tasks based on face images,
such as face recognition, facial expression analysis and face animation.
Therefore, locating these facial features in a face image accurately is a
crucial step for these tasks to perform well. However, in reality, the
appearance of the facial features in the images varies significantly among
different individuals. Even, for a specific person, the appearance of the
facial features is easily affected by the lighting conditions, face
orientations and facial expressions, etc. Therefore, accurate facial
feature detection and tracking still remains a very challenging task,
especially under different illuminations, face orientations and facial
expressions, etc.
In our research, we proposed an effective approach to
detect and track twenty-eight facial features from the face images with
different facial expressions under various face orientations in real time.
The improvements in facial feature detection and tracking accuracy are resulted
from: (1) combination of the Kalman filtering with the eye positions to
constrain the facial feature locations; (2) the use of pyramidal Gabor
wavelets for efficient facial feature representation; (3) dynamic and
accurate model updating for each facial feature to eliminate any error
accumulation; (4)imposing the global geometry constraints to eliminate any
geometrical violations. By these combinations, the accuracy of the facial
feature tracking reaches a practical acceptable level. Subsequently, the extracted
spatio-temporal relationships among the facial features can be used to
conduct the facial expression classification successfully.
Facial Feature and Pose Tracking based on 3D Deformable Models
In our recent
work, we compared our method with 3D tracking method based on the Candide-3 face model and
particle filter. The 3D deformable face model can be manually initialized
or be automatically initialized at the first frame with 28 detected facial
feature points detected by our 2D tracker. Demo 5 gives
the 3D tracking result. Demo 6 shows
the comparison of 2D and 3D tracker and indicates that the 3D tracker can
also reliably track 28 salient facial feature points, and provide more
other facial feature points like those on the cheek. Even though currently
we only take into account the rigid motion, the Candide-3 face model also
allows non-rigid motion and the Action Unit
(AU) parameters of this model can be directly applied for expression
analysis. It can be seen from Demo 6 that
facial feature tracking and pose estimation result of the 3D tracker are
not as smooth as those output by our 2D tracker, this can be explained by
the fact that this 3D tracker is purely global feature based (in the 3D
tracking method, the whole face will be warped with the estimated
parameters of Candide-3 into geometrically-free facial patch, and then
compared with a template to output the likelihood), while our 2D tracker is
also based on local search.
We also
tried directly instantiating the 3D face model with 28 facial feature
points provided by the 2D tracker at each frame. The benefits of doing this
include providing more facial feature points and the AU parameters. The
result is shown in Demo 7. Exploiting
the cooperation between 2D and 3D face model would be one of our future
(1) Yan Tong and Qiang Ji, “Automatic Eye Position Detection
and Tracking under Natural Facial Movement”, Passive Eye Monitoring,
Editor: Riad I. Hammoud, pp. 67-84, Springer 2007.
(2) Yan Tong, Yang Wang, Zhiwei Zhu, and Qiang Ji, “Robust Facial Feature
Tracking under Varying Face Pose and Facial Expression”, Pattern
Recognition, Vol. 40, No. 11, pp. 3195-3208, November 2007.
(3) Zhiwei Zhu and Qiang Ji, Robust Pose Invariant Facial Feature Detection
and Tracking in Real-Time, the 18th International Conference on Pattern
Recognition (ICPR), Hongkong, August, 2006.
(4) Yan Tong, Yang Wang, Zhiwei Zhu, and Qiang Ji, “Facial Feature Tracking
using a Multi-State Hierarchical Shape Model under Varying Face Pose and
Facial Expression”, the 18th International Conference on Pattern
Recognition (ICPR), Hongkong, August, 2006.
(5) Yan Tong and Qiang Ji, “Multiview Facial Feature Tracking with a
Multi-modal Probabilistic Model”, the 18th International Conference on
Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Hongkong, August, 2006.
Demo.1 Real-time facial feature
tracking demo (short version)
Demo.2 Real-time facial Feature
tracking demo (long version)
Demo.3 Real-time facial feature
tracking demo with estimated 3D head pose
Real time
facial feature tracking under large pose and scale changes
Latest Demos:
Demo.5 3D tracking based on the Candide-3 face model
(Initialized by 28 detected facial feature points), Bottom is the estimated
pose, top left is the geometrically-free face template
Demo.6 Comparison of 2D and 3D facial feature/pose tracking
(Red/Blue circles represent results of 2D/3D tracker, Bottom left/right is
the estimated pose by 3D/2D tracker)
Demo.7 3D face model fitting with facial feature points
provided by 2D tracker (Top right is the warped face, the bar graph at
bottom right indicates the intensities of AUs)